Dive Forster at Fisherman's Wharf

Terms & Conditions

Terms of Service

Swimming with the Dolphins is suitable for everyone over 15 years of age, but it does help if you are comfortable being in the ocean with your face in the water.

There are a number of medical and health problems that may make Swimming with the Dolphins unsuitable for someone.

These could include epilepsy, heart or stress problems, history of dizziness, history of fainting spells, insulin dependant diabetes and aquaphobia; if you are unsure or suffer from any of these or any similar conditions you should consult your doctor before undertaking this adventure.

If you have snorkelling experience this is a great help in making it work for you. People considering Swimming with the Dolphins are advised to practice snorkelling prior to undertaking this adventure. It is possible to practice your snorkelling skills right off our own Wharf here in Wallis Lake. The day before your cruise and on the high tide is the best for this.

We will provide you with the necessary equipment to practice and can assist you with a few helpful tips. There is no charge for this service.

Swimming with the Dolphins Cruises are weather and seas dependant. Whilst we are normally able to assess whether conditions will be favourable one or two days in advance, we reserve the right to cancel cruises if the seas are not calm enough to undertake the cruise. Even in the calmest of oceans, boats will rock and passengers will experience movement. If you are prone to motion sickness, preventative medications can greatly assist in ensuring your enjoyment of the cruise. "Travacalm", available only from chemists, and in our experience is the most effective product available on the market.

We do also encounter Humpback Whales during late June thru July on their northward migration, and also October thru November when they are heading south with their new calves. Swimming with Humpback Whales is one of life's greatest ocean experience. In August thru September every year we escort tour groups to Vava'u in Tonga to Swim with the Humpback Whales and their calves there. This is the best thing you will ever experience in our oceans..

Cancellation Policy
We reserve the right to cancel a cruise due to either unfavourable seas forecasts prior to the cruise date, or unforeseen unfavourable sea conditions on the day of the cruise. In either of these events we will not charge you for a cruise that does not go ahead.

If a cruise is cancelled by us, you will then have the opportunity the transfer your booking to another date or if this does not suit you, then cancel the booking altogether at no charge to you. 

We will be the ultimate arbiter of possible sea conditions and we consult a number of different weather and seas forecast services for guidance in this. It is our final decision on the possible / predicted sea conditions for the day, and if you are booked then we will guarantee that there are your booked spots reserved for you. This final decision on the possible / predicted sea conditions for the day of the cruise will be made only on the day preceding the cruise.

Conversely by your booking you are guaranteeing that you will abide by our decisions on the possible / predicted sea conditions for the day and will be liable for payment for these reserved spots on the boat if the cruise goes ahead.

If all these forecasters get it wrong, and this is rare but possible, then we reserve the right to cancel the cruise with reference to the actual sea conditions that we observe on the day. 

Early cancellations by you, due to unforeseen circumstances may be possible, and you will not be charged for (except for a possible $10 service fee per person), if we can fill your spots on the boat. 

Please choose your preferred date carefully as date changes may only be possible if we can re-fill your reserved spot(s), and may be subject to a $10 per person service fee

Looking forward to having you join us in Forster and Swimming with the Dolphins!
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